States in India,Union Territories,Number of Indian States

States in India

India is divided into a total number of 28 states and 7 union territories for ensuring the smooth operation of the country. All these 28 states have their own elected governments. Two of the 7 union territories viz. Delhi and Puducherry ,also have elected governments. The other 5 union territories are directly governed by the Centre through their own appointed representatives.

It was during the rule of the then prime minister Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru ( in the year 1956) that the country was divided on the basis of linguistic patterns and states were formed basis the same criteria.

Listed below are the list of 28 States and 7 union territories (categorized based on Alphabets).

States in India
Andhra Pradesh , Arunachal Pradesh, Assam
Goa, Gujarat
Haryana, Himachal Pradesh
Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand
Karnataka, Kerala
Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur,Meghalaya, Mizoram
Tamil Nadu, Tripura
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
West Bengal

Union Territories are listed below
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Dadra and Nagar Haweli
Daman and Diu
National Capital of Delhi

We shall cover in detail about each of the states, their flora and fauna, festivals in these states along with the National festivals, travel guide to these states.

About India,Facts about India


India, a country so vivid yet so charming!

Think of India and the first impression that one gets is the land of temples, a land of cultural diversity where one finds a different language after few kilometers! Here we tell you about the magnetism of this country, rated the second most favored destination second year in a row!

India is also called ‘The Republic of India’,’ Hindustan’ (named after the Hindu people residing here , ‘Bharat’ named after a renowned King ‘Bharata’
Talking about the facts and figures that represent India – India is the second most pooulated country after China and seventh largest country by area.

Bounded by Indian ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal and bordered by six countries viz Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Mayanmar, India has a costal line of around 4700 miles!
India saw the culmination of Indus valley civilization and witnessed various trade routes. Ruled by the United kingdom from the nineteenth century, India witnessed revolution for Independence which ended with the India’s Independence in 1947.

Facts and Figures about India

Official Name- The Republic of India
Motto – ‘Satyameva Jayate’ (Truth Alone Triumphs)
National Anthem- Jana Gana Mana
National Song- Vande Mataram ( I bow to thee, Mother)
Capital- New Delhi
Largest City- Mumbai
Official Language- Hindi, English
Upper House- Rajya Sabha
Lower House- Lok Sabha
Currency- Indian Rupee
Flag- Tricolour
Emblem- Sarnath Lion Capital
National Animal- Royal Bengal Tigers
Bird- Indian Peacock
Aquatic Animal- Dolphin
Flower- Lotus
Tree- Banyan
Fruit – Mango
River- Ganges
Drown yourself in the charm of this amazing country, India!